Downloadable Resource Library

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Software Download

Digi-Shock Mission Control

Models Description Version Download
Digi-Shock G, GT & XT Compatible with all Digi-Shock Impact Recorders. Release date 05.01.2019 1.4.1 Download

Product Technical Sheets

Impact and Tilt indicators

Product Image Product Name Part No. Description G Level PDF
Shock Indicator Labels 1100-025g through 1100-100g Highly visible Shock Indicator Labels indicate when an impact can potentially damage products in the transportation chain. 25g, 37g, 50g, 75g, and 100g Download PDF
Protect-A-Pak Shock Indicator 1200-005G through 1200-500g The world’s most popular single-use, low-cost impact indicators. Provides a visual indication that hidden damage may have occurred. 10g-100g in 10g increments. Also 5g, 15g, 25g, 150g, 200g, 250g 300g, and 500g Download PDF
Omni G Shock Indicator 2000-002G through 2000-500G The Omni-G is designed with two sets of spring-loaded steel balls that become dislodged and fall into a transparent dome when struck with an impact that exceeds the preset g-level. Click here to see a video on how to reset the device. 2g-10g in 1g incr. 15g-40g in 5g Incr. 50g – 100g in 10g incr. Also 125g, 150g,175g, 200g, 250g 300g, 400g, and 500g Download PDF
Omni -GWS Shock Indicator 2000-002GWS through 2000-500GWS OMNI-GWS is a dual Axis Shock Indicator that is weatherproofed with stainless steel components to protect against salt spray and fogging on oceans, longer shipments, extended storage, or harsh environments. 2g-10g in 1g incr. 15g-40g in 5g Incr. 50g – 100g in 10g incr. Also 125g, 150g,175g, 200g, 250g 300g, 400g, and 500g Download PDF
Shock Fuse Indicator 1300-050G through 1300-225G A single-use uni-direction impact indicator is designed with one set of spring-loaded steel balls that become dislodged and fall into a transparent dome when struck with an impact that exceeds the preset g-level. 50g-150g in 10g increments.
Also available in 200g and 225g
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Trans Monitor Shock Indicator 1400-005G through 1400-300G Trans-Monitor is a low-cost, single-use impact indicator. Designed to monitor high-value or technically sensitive products by deterring rough handling and creating awareness and accountability in the transportation chain. 20g -100g in 10g increments.
Also, 15g, 25g, and 300g.
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Impact Switch Trans Monitor Impact Switch TMIS-015G though TMIS-300G Trans-Monitor Impact Switch is wired to your equipment, creating an open circuit. The circuit will close when an impact exceeds the device’s g force rating. The device will either turn on or turn off equipment. 20g -100g in 10g increments.
Also, 15g, 25g, and 300g.
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Trans MonitorTD  Shock Indicator 1500-015G though 1500-300G Trans-Monitor TD is a low-cost, single-use impact indicator with a visual display showing the date and time when the impact occurs in the transportation chain. Assign accountability. 20g -100g in 10g increments.
Also, 15g, 25g, and 300g.
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Tilt Indicator
1100 Tilt Tilt Indicator is a single-use, low-cost tip indicator that monitors goods that must remain upright. Provides indisputable evidence of tipping more than 80°. 80° ±5° Download PDF

Impact Recorders

Product Image Product Name Part No. Description G Level PDF
Impact-O-Graph Analog Impact Recorder Contact Sales The Impact-O-Graph Analog Shock Recorder detects and records all shocks (up to 30g) and the time and direction of impact on the X, Y, and Z axis lines. Up to 30g Download PDF
Digi-Shock Impact Recorder 1600-100G The Digi-Shock G is a reusable digital shock recorder that monitors impacts and can be ordered with g force levels up to 25g or 100 g. Up to 25g or 100g
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Impact & Temperature Recorders

Product Image Product Name Part No. Description G Level PDF
Digi-Shock GT Impact  Indicator 1600-100GT The Digi-Shock GT is a reusable digital shock and temperature recorder that monitors impacts up to 25g or up to 100g. Up to 25g or 100g Download PDF
Digi-Shock XT Impact  Indicator  1700-100 XT The Digi-Shock XT is a reusable digital shock and temperature recorder that monitors impacts up to 25g or 100g and records temperature events. IP 67 rated Up to 25g or 100g Download PDF

Supply Chain Tracking

Product Image Product Name Part No. Description G Level PDF
Digi-Trac Pro 1900-32GPRO Digi-Trac Pro™ is a digital data recorder that provides real-time alerts to let you know the status of your shipment throughout the journey. Cloud-based GPS tracking provides accurate location monitoring to let you know exactly where your items are—real-time alerts. 1G to 23G Download PDF

Customer Support

Are you looking for support for a particular product? Please speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives. We can be reached by phone at +1-818-350-5070, email or click our WhatsApp Chat button for immediate support.

Sales Support

Darryl Termine

VP Sales & International Sales Development
Direct Line: (818) 350-5070

Customer Service

Kristen Payton

Customer Service
Direct Line: (818) 658-6663

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