Protect products against impact; you want your valuable products to arrive to their destination in perfect condition. Secured effectively and protected with an IMPACT-O-GRAPH device, you can feel confident day by day that they will reach their destination intact.

How to prevent shipping damage

IMPACT-O-GRAPH monitoring and recording devices are industry leaders when it comes to the integrity of your supply chain and the monitoring of your product during its lifespan if necessary.

Through a wide range of products that can monitor impacts, track shipments, close or open circuits, and record data. Our mission since 1971 has not changed – to provide customers with cost-effective, high-quality devices made in the USA, that enable them to enjoy significant benefits such as reducing their risks, cost of operations, and protecting their valued reputations and business relationships.

But to protect products against impact…

What exactly makes Impact Detection so effective against damage during shipping?

1. Accurate G Force Measurement

The crossed spring design of our impact indicators allows for a high level of accuracy from all possible impact directions (across X, Y and Z axes and with available detection from 2 to 1000Gs of force). The highest level of accuracy is achieved on impacts greater than 8.4 milliseconds in duration. Click here for our White paper on this subject. A third-party test lab performed multiple impact tests on our OMNI-G device with the following results.

2. Tamper Resistant

Our products are all tamper-proof, protecting the integrity of the state of the device and the recorded data. Whether it be a locking mechanism, a place to attach a padlock, or an electronic switch, your data and visual evidence will remain secure maintaining a high level of integrity.

3. Long Working Life

Our spring-loaded indicators can monitor your product after the shipment is delivered and the product is installed. With no power requirement and a spring design that allows for the spring integrity to remain intact for years, IOG indicators will remain viable and accurate for years. Our Analog and Digital recorders have a battery life of 6 months, allowing for extended shipping times if necessary.

4. Weatherproof

The OMNI GWS, Analog Recorder, and the Digishock series can all be manufactured to an IP67 standard if necessary. This allows for these devices to be used in the harshest of weather conditions, safe from the elements.

5. Reusable

Customers around the world have used and re-used our Analog Data Recorder for over 50 years! The Digishock recorder is also reusable, and the Omni-G is one of the world’s most popular, reusable, and low-cost impact indicators. With such robust construction, they ensure an extremely long lifespan, and by virtue of their reusability, our products comply with the principle of sustainability, preserving our environment and natural resources.

6. Made in USA

Quality you can trust combined with customer service that is second to none. All IOG products are designed and tested in the USA under the highest quality conditions. Six decades of extensive technical knowledge, state-of-art manufacturing equipment and processes ensure exceptional results, both for their functionality and durability.

7. Custom Solutions

If your needs require a modification to our existing product lines or even a new design, we can work with you to make that a reality.  Collaborate with us to design a device purpose-built for your application and needs.


Still wondering if it’s necessary to trust our products to ensure against shipping damage. Our experienced and helpful team is ready to answer your questions and guide you to select the right equipment and makes you able to protect your business presence.